Andrew O’Hare

Andrew Ohare

Andrew O’Hare

Financial Controller

Andrew plays a lead role in financial management including robust controls, processes, policies, and procedures in line with statutory requirements and best practice. Managing the finance team, Andrew’s role also includes overseeing board, financial and statutory reporting, P&L, general ledger, payroll, and BAS/IAS preparation. 

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Why do you like working for IP?

The people and relationships are an important part of working for IP – it’s a group of dedicated and talented people working together to achieve goals, and I appreciate being a part of that.

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Most interesting project?

I find the analysis side of my role the most engaging. Not just the reporting but delving into the reasons why we are getting the outcomes that have occurred, what is impacting the performance and how small changes can provide substantive sustainable results.


I like looking into and assessing the drivers that influence the results, interpreting data and trends, and providing substantive information that helps influence and guide the decision-making process.

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What is your way of working/quote?

My mantra is “No Surprises”.


A big part of finance is about keeping people informed, providing timely accurate reliable information to facilitate the decision-making process.


I try to implement systems, processes and a culture, that facilitate stakeholders and keeps them informed of, not only what is happening, but also give them transparency on what is going to happen. I try to provide an early warning system to recognise issues before they become problems and work towards resolving those issues before they have an impact.